
quarterly digital publication created by Anna Maria Maiolino and Paulo Miyada
Anna Maria Maiolino, Paulo Myada, 2021

It is comprised of correspondences and other texts and productions made between two or more people, and its hearthstone is the field of visual arts in Brazil, though it sometimes ventures far away from home. Its content is written in Portuguese, accompanied by English versions in every edition. Its features are simple and direct, and its subject is the present. In Portuguese, presente is the tense that references the right now. It is also what students say when taking attendance in class. It is, also, a noun that refers to the idea of gift, a fundamental principle of the human societies, which precedes and surpasses the notions of money, mercantile exchange, accumulation, labor exploration, and financial speculation.

presente, the publication, is a sheltering gesture that invites us to think together in the midst of the storm. It can be distributed freely for nonprofit purposes. If you want to suggest new correspondences for future editions, please write to us.

 Read it here.