Cildo Meireles
b. N. 1948, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Vive e trabalha em Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Sem Título, 1984
acrílica e lápis grafite sobre papel colado em tela
[acrylic and graphite pencil on paper fixed on canvas]
[acrylic and graphite pencil on paper fixed on canvas]
89 x 145 x 5 cm
35 x 57 1/8 x 2 in
35 x 57 1/8 x 2 in
'Quando fazia já uns cinco anos que nós morávamos em Brasília, fui fazer um curso com o pintor Félix Alejandro Barrenechea Avilés, mas alguns meses depois o curso fechou. Então...
"Quando fazia já uns cinco anos que nós morávamos em Brasília, fui fazer um curso com o pintor Félix Alejandro Barrenechea Avilés, mas alguns meses depois o curso fechou. Então ele me convidou para continuar os estudos em seu ateliê, onde eu trabalhava com materiais fornecidos por ele. Passei dois anos frequentando esse lugar, e considero até hoje o professor Barrenechea meu mestre. Acho que resolvi me dedicar à arte com 15 anos, depois de visitar uma exposição chamada Arte Negra, na Universidade de Brasília, com obras do acervo do Museu da Universidade de Dacar, no Senegal. Passei a fazer desenhos expressionistas, de conteúdo fortemente influenciado pelas máscaras e esculturas que vi e que me impactaram muito. Em 1966, Mário Cravo Júnior viu esses desenhos e neles identificou a problemática da arte afro-brasileira. Foram dois desenhos e uma pintura dessa série que o Salão de Brasília havia selecionado em 1965, que foi a minha primeira exposição. Dois anos depois, eu realizei a primeira individual, a convite de Mário Cravo Júnior, no MAM da Bahia, em Salvador. Comparando esse artista que eu era em 1965, iniciando meu percurso, com o cara que eu sou hoje, posso dizer que invejo a voracidade que eu tinha."
"When we lived in Brasilia for about five years, I went to take a course with the painter Félix Alejandro Barrenechea Avilés, but a few months later the course closed. Then he invited me to continue his studies in his studio, where I worked with materials provided by him. I spent two years attending this place, and I still consider Professor Barrenechea to be my teacher. I think I decided to dedicate myself to art at the age of 15, after visiting an exhibition called Arte Negra, at the University of Brasilia, with works from the collection of the Museum of the University of Dakar, Senegal. I started to make expressionist drawings, with content strongly influenced by the masks and sculptures that I saw and that impacted me a lot. In 1966, Mário Cravo Júnior saw these drawings and identified in them the problem of Afro-Brazilian art. There were two drawings and a painting from this series that the Salão de Brasília had selected in 1965, which was my first exhibition. Two years later, I held the first individual, at the invitation of Mário Cravo Júnior, at MAM da Bahia, in Salvador. Comparing this artist that I was in 1965, starting my journey, with the guy that I am today, I can say that I envy the voracity that I had."
"When we lived in Brasilia for about five years, I went to take a course with the painter Félix Alejandro Barrenechea Avilés, but a few months later the course closed. Then he invited me to continue his studies in his studio, where I worked with materials provided by him. I spent two years attending this place, and I still consider Professor Barrenechea to be my teacher. I think I decided to dedicate myself to art at the age of 15, after visiting an exhibition called Arte Negra, at the University of Brasilia, with works from the collection of the Museum of the University of Dakar, Senegal. I started to make expressionist drawings, with content strongly influenced by the masks and sculptures that I saw and that impacted me a lot. In 1966, Mário Cravo Júnior saw these drawings and identified in them the problem of Afro-Brazilian art. There were two drawings and a painting from this series that the Salão de Brasília had selected in 1965, which was my first exhibition. Two years later, I held the first individual, at the invitation of Mário Cravo Júnior, at MAM da Bahia, in Salvador. Comparing this artist that I was in 1965, starting my journey, with the guy that I am today, I can say that I envy the voracity that I had."
Cildo Meireles - Algum desenho [1963 - 2005]. Catálogo de exposição [exhibition catalogue], Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro. pg. 48 img 158© artista [the artist]
Ph.: Edouard Fraipont