Bruno Baptistelli is participating in the group show “Project a Black Planet: The Art and Culture of Panafrica” at the Art Institute of Chicago. The exhibition explores the cultural manifestations of Pan-Africanism, featuring around 350 objects created by artists from four continents: Africa, North America, South America, and Europe.
Baptistelli presents the work “Linguagem” (2015), which investigates verbal language and colors as manifestations of social codes and racial designations. The artist also contributes a text to the publication accompanying the project.
“Project a Black Planet” is curated by Antawan I. Byrd, Elvira Dyangani Ose, Adom Getachew, and Matthew S. Witkovsky, and co-organized with MACBA with KANAL-Centre Pompidou Bruxelles.
Art Institute of Chicago
Until March 30, 2025